This past weekend Gregoire's school had an all day bazaar followed by an outdoor dance. It was a wonderful day. I spent it promoting the school's fundraiser cookbook
"From our school to your Kitchen". I was excited about the response that I received. Most people were pleasantly surprised because they did not expect a book of such high quality. They expected the typical school cookbook - a Kinko's runoff. Surprise, surprise, that's not how I operate. I don't like mediocrity, I prefer to think on a much grander scale; to create something that will bring the school residual income. I am so hyped by the positive feedback that I received from the folks who expressed interest in supporting this project. I got friend in the hot sun, even the hat and sunscreen didn't protect me.The bazaar or kermesse as it is known in France wound down about 5:00pm. We came home showered and changed then went back to the school to attend the party. The DJ was great. his musical selection kept us going until late in the evening. The hit of the party was the French families, they hung until 1:00 am or I think until the wine ran out. After the DJ packed up they drove their cars onto the basketball court and turned on their CD players in the car. Way to go party people.
I spent Sunday editing and inputting more recipes into the cookbook. It's a lot of work but hopefully in the long run it will be all worth it.
I have been working with the teenage girls at the school. We have been rehearsing for an upcoming fashion show scheduled for the Saturday before mother's day. So I have been training them on how to walk properly. It's been a challenging task...but who doesn't love a good challenge?
I cook on a daily basis, lately I have been photographing everything that I cook before it's eaten.
Everyone laughs when I tell them that. In between all of this I am working on improving the manual for the makeup school where I just started teaching.
My favorite dessert is Tarte Tartin, I ate it the whole time I was pregnant. It's just so good. well since it is that good, you know I had to learn how to make it. Guess what...I did. On Tuesday I gave it a shot. it was PERFECT! Yes, PERFECT!!! What is it you ask? It's caramelized apples baked in a cast iron skillet with a puff pastry on top and then turned out onto a plate. Errol did a perfect job turning it on to a large plate. WOW, umh! umh! good. I must confess, Gregoire ate quite a bit of it and I didn't want to share.
Yesterday was a busy day I had a lot of appointments. first I met with a parent who is going to help me with fundraising and marketing for the school. We are always looking for more creative ways to raise money for the school. She has some great ideas and the drive and tenacity and the ability to follow through. I am so excited about working with her. After meeting with her, I had a meeting with the owner of the British Marketplace and tea room. I think there are several things that we will be able to work on together. Then I picked up Gregoire from school and we headed over to Pier 1. I actually got permission from their corporate off to photograph some of their table settings. Gregoire did the photography. He has an excellent eye for photography. He shoots beautiful photos and can actually operate my camera better than I can. So thanks to Whitney at Pier 1 for granting me permission to shoot in the store.
Today was a great day, I taught an intro to film class at Cosmix. I had a small class only seven students. They were a good group. I explained the ups and downs of the industry and some of the advantages and disadvantages of this industry. We touched upon several topics. It's hard to get everything across in such a short period of time. I was basically given them a teaser class. I think it opened up their interest to go further in their education and learn as much as their can so that it increases their chances of having a more successful and rewarding career. I lectured the entire day expect the last hour where I had them do a makeup application. they had about 15 minutes to complete a clean beauty makeup for film. One of the things that I try to stress while teaching is how important it is for them to be able to extrapolate the necessary information from what they learn and incorporate it into something that will help them create their own unique style. This is so important so that they wouldn't become
cookie-cutter makeup artists. I think potential artists need to understand how crucial this is to their success as an artist.
After work, I picked up Gregoire from a friend's house I came home and made dinner. Dinner was simple, nothing special but we did finish off the Tarte Tatin.
I just finish watching President Obama on the Jay Leno Show. I just love Mr Pres. He is so cool, so natural, no pretense. A great show.
I have to go clean up the kitchen, then get ready for bed. Tomorrow is another day. I have a couple of deal memos to work on for this Sunday. On SaturdayI have a trial run for a bride then I have to do someone's makeup for a ball that evening. I also have to work on the invites for Gregoire's First Communion.
Oh well, it's time to go finish clean the kitchen and then hit the sac.