Friday, October 15, 2010

"Stinkin Thinkin"...

We work in an industry where we transfer energies.  Every time we touch someone's face there is a transfer of energy.  So today I explained to my students the importance of checking "stinkin thinkin" at the door before entering my classroom.  "Stinkin Thinkin" permeates a room faster than gasoline on fire.  It's toxic and can ruin your day.  And worst, it's usually unspoken dialogue.  This is an industry where attitude towards work is more important than physical makeup application.  Trust me,  most people prefer to work with a mediocre artist with a great attitude than an amazingly talented artist with a bad attitude. 

So, note to attain success in this industry I need a likable personality with a great attitude.

I always check my personality and attitude before I even enter the parking lot at school because what happens in my house, stays in my house.  It does not belong in the classroom when I am teaching you. 

So, as a student heading towards being a professional, learn how to keep your life as your own.

What happened the night before does not belong in the classroom...

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